Perseverance and consistency has been the key for this father and general manager. Over the past couple of months Malcolm has made massive habitual changes to his lifestyle which have ultimately transferred over to his strength training and overall health and well-being. Malcolm has made a conscious effort to attend his three sessions a week throughout the middle of the day during his busy working week. He has also cut back on all processed foods, halved his bread intake and opting for healthier options. Reduced his alcohol intake from 10 standard drinks to 1-3 per week. Water intake has taken a massive change from a maximum of 1L to 2-2.5L per day and at the same time halving his coffee intake. These changes have transferred over to his strength gains and have allowed him to double his bench press and overhead press, whilst also strengthen his back and improve his overall posture. All these changes have lead to amazing results with a total drop of 6kgs, down 15 total cms and a drop of 6% body fat. Keep up the excellent work Malcolm, we are all so very proud of you.

© Real Fitness Training 2021

Unit 9/3 Salisbury Rd
Castle Hill NSW 2154

02 8606 2423 or 0433 738 914

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